Liam was one month old this weekend! It's hard to believe...both that he's been here a month already, and also that it's only been a month! Can you follow my weird logic? Auntie Allie has been calling me daily asking me to update pictures. I look forward to the day when she has a newborn of her own and I can call her and say "why haven't you updated your blog?" :)
Here are a few new shots of the little guy.
I like to refer to this look as his "drunk on breast milk" face.

I'm becoming quite the swaddler. It's amazing to me how wrapping him up nice and tight will make him fall asleep in minutes...sometimes seconds!

Finally, a picture of Liam rockin' it out in his drum set onesie from Auntie Allie. I think he'll be able to wear it for another week or two, so I'm glad I got a picture. He's growing like crazy!

In other family news (what? you don't want to hear about anything but Liam? tough!), Mark and I got to go out on our first post-baby date since Liam was born. Thanks to Mark's parents for watching him (like we had to twist their arms!) It was a little seemed that everyone in the restaurant was out to dinner with their little boy! Though we missed him, we had fun and actually talked about non-baby stuff. We've still got it!

I feel it's necessary to pay tribute to the other two long-forgotten members of our family, Pico and Olivia. Though she is gigantic, Olivia is only a little over a year old, and this past weekend marked our one year anniversary as her parents. Both kitties have been curious but cautious with Liam, but they don't like being locked out of our bedroom at night! Pico in particular scratches at the door all night long. Hopefully they'll forgive us at some point!