Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Like Father...
Upon filling up his sippy cup and returning it to him, I said, "Good night, Liam, I love you." He was slurping down his water, so I didn't expect a response. As I was closing the door, I heard, "Mommy?"
"Yes, Liam?"
"Go Big Blue!"
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Growing boys
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas with the Village People
Friday, December 05, 2008
Nic downstairs?
Anyway, we thought it was too much Thanksgiving goodness until he continued to get sick the next day. It didn't catch up with any of the adults until this week. I think Mark is the only one who hasn't vomited yet...knock on wood.
But nonetheless a fun visit. Liam has been waking up all week saying "Nic downstairs?" We miss you guys already! Thanks to Al for all of the photos.
Here is Liam talking into the "microphone"...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Name Change
I'll keep everyone posted via email (and probably holiday greeting card) about our new blog address, when I get around to changing it!
I don't have any new pictures this week, as I've not charged the camera since Liam's haircut. I guess you could say I've got my hands full.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
First Haircut

Monday, November 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Yomama!
Another cute thing he's saying nowadays...after any meal, when I ask him if he wants anything else to eat, he says, "apple pie?" I think he got used to sweets when I was in late pregnancy/hospital/post-partum and everyone brought us treats!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
So big!
Here is Liam trying on Daddy's shoes...
Which reminded me of this one from 20 months ago.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Trinity vs St X
The all-male Catholic school my dad, my uncle, and I attended, and at which I now teach, is named Trinity. You know, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Anyway, every year we play our rival all-male Catholic school name St Xavier.
We've won 18 state titles and they've won 11.
38,800 people attended the game this year in the beginning of October. It was held at U of L's stadium and might outdraw some of their home games (oh, the tradition and pageantry of the Big East).
Liam, Liz and I were there. If you'd like to see more about the game, watch CBS this Saturday at 1pm as they do an hour-long special on great high school football rivalries. NFL Films produced it.
Here are some pictures of the little guy all decked out to chear on the Trinity Shamrocks!!
Ran into my parent's neighbor, Margie. Her son, Chris, and I graduated together.
Liam was insistent on sitting in his own seat.
Liam is very adept at cheering "Go Rocks!"
I've read that it's the highest attended regular season high school football game.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Move over Mark!
Mark went back to work yesterday, leaving me alone for the first time with two kids. It wasn't as bad as I thought...though this morning, PBS was out and I didn't know what to do with Liam while I nursed Grady. If I don't keep Liam occupied, he crawls all over me and the baby, trying to give Grady kisses and tickle him. It's really cute...he grabs his feet and goes, "tickle, tickle". But he can be kind of rough, so I can't leave him alone with Grady for more than 5 seconds. He loves to hold and love him, though, as evidenced here:
Doesn't Grady look enthused by Liam's kisses?
Here Grady meets his godfather, Scott, an old friend and now colleague of Mark's:
Doesn't he look like he's a brut? We think we should nickname him "Biff"...although we like "G Bob" as well.
Not to forget Liam, who had a great time on Halloween. Our court is AWESOME for little kids. We didn't even have to leave the street. And I got to take him to a few houses, which was fun for both of us. He loved to knock and say "twick tweet", and then "thank you", of course. Here he is with Grandpere:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
More Grady
We'll begin where we left off, on Sunday. Thanks to my aunts Lee Ann (my mom's sister) and Jeanie (my dad's sister) for some of these photos.
Liam gets ready to great his brother. . .
Thanks to Lee Ann for making the shirt.

The reigning Kentucky World Language Association Lifetime Achievement winner (I call her "mom") greets her new petit-fils.
That's my great aunt Anne over her shoulder. . .

The matriarch of the Amick family (she'd not be happy if I divulged her age, but I think she looks damn good for being born during the Woodrow Wilson administration) meets Grady. . .
Liam's new passion is kissing his baby brother. . .
It's my new hobby, too. . .

Maybe it's because we were in Indiana, but they somehow didn't have a policy prohibiting this many Amick men in a public space. . .

The very blessed and happy family. . .
Grady comes home!
This was Thursday sleeping on the couch. . .
That's it for now. Grady's been under the lights today getting rid of jaundice. We hope he should be well on his way to kicking out the bilirubin by Friday!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Grady Robert Amick!!
The proud parents. . .
The post-delivery period was a wonderful time for us. Liz and I got almost two hours to spend with Grady before he was taken to the nursery. She spend it snuggling with him and bonding. . .
Grady in the nursery. Note the horizontal scar on his left gun. (that's right, I said it) The nurse thinks he must have scratched himself in utero and it's healed now. . .
Giving Grady his first bath. Liz and I both acknowledged how it was not nearly as nerve-wracking as Liam's first bath. Thanks to Alice in the nursery for her guidance and tlc. . .
Liam meets his baby brother!
Liam was nuts for Grady! He wanted to hold him and touch him. Liam was very gentle and loving. He's going to be a great big bro. . .
Are there words to describe this? Would they even be necessary?
More pics will be posted tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who sent messages of love and happiness to us today. We love you, too!