Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Like Father...

Last night, I was talking to Allison on the phone when Liam called out for more water. I went up to get his cup and turned on the speaker phone so he could say good night to Auntie Allie. He bid her "night night", then with some prompting said, "I love you" (one of his new favorite phrases), and then, totally unprompted, shouted out, "Go Rocks!".

Upon filling up his sippy cup and returning it to him, I said, "Good night, Liam, I love you." He was slurping down his water, so I didn't expect a response. As I was closing the door, I heard, "Mommy?"

"Yes, Liam?"

"Go Big Blue!"

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Growing boys

Grady is getting so big...my guess is 15 pounds. He's also super long, which makes him seem bigger than Liam was at this stage. He looks almost as big as Liam in the picture below.

Liam is really starting to dig posing for photos. He's got the game show host smile down, that's for sure!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas with the Village People

We decorated our tree on Sunday, and Liam was an active participant. One day, I'm sure I'll enjoy showing this photo to his significant other!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Nic downstairs?

We had a great visit with Allison and Nic, despite almost all of us ending up with some form of stomach flu. Liam started it on Thanksgiving, when he woke up around 11 and proceeded to get sick four times. I finally learned why it is you have two waterproof mattresses in your linen arsenal...can you believe I've never had to change the sheets for puke before?

Anyway, we thought it was too much Thanksgiving goodness until he continued to get sick the next day. It didn't catch up with any of the adults until this week. I think Mark is the only one who hasn't vomited yet...knock on wood.

But nonetheless a fun visit. Liam has been waking up all week saying "Nic downstairs?" We miss you guys already! Thanks to Al for all of the photos.

Here is Liam talking into the "microphone"...

And one of Nic and Grady...

Grady was baptized on Sunday (Allison is his godmother)...

Can you believe that no one thought to get a photo of Grady with his godparents? That's what you get for baptizing your child at 5 weeks when the other one has the flu!

Some cute shots of Liam and Grady...

Grady weighed in at 12 lb. 12 oz at his one month visit!

A family photo, of sorts...
And I had to post this one...

I think that Al and Nic were ready to go back to their serene, childless life!