Liam is hilarious these borrow a term from a friend of mine (also with a 2 year old), he's "Captain Obvious". He likes to point to objects and name them. Driving in the car with him is a trip. Today we were on our way to music class and he was naming all the fast food restaurants we passed. "There's McDonald's!" "Chick-Fil-A!" We passed Best Buy and he said, "Ikea!" (they do kind of look alike) I swear we don't eat fast food that much, but he sure knows them all by name. Construction sites are fun, too. Like most little boys, he can differentiate between cranes, diggers, and bulldozers.
The newest funny phrase is "good idea". He asked me if he could play in the playroom (it's cold in there so we have to warm it with a spaceheater for a while before playing), and I told him that I would warm it up during nap so he could play later, and he said "warm up playroom. Good idea, mom!"
Mark thinks that we should start writing this stuff's easier to forget when you've got two to look after!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
One of these was taken today, and other one in April of 2007. Any guesses as to which one is Liam and which one is Grady? I guess the hairline gives it away (and the fact that Grady's clothes are more faded because they've been washed a million times).
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What a morning!
So far this morning, we've already been to the doctor because Liam has an ear infection. He also managed to puke all over himself on the way there. Then we went to Kroger to fill his Rx, but the drive thru was closed. So we had to go inside, which was a blast, let me tell you. After waiting 25 minutes for his Rx to be filled, we were informed that they didn't have the cough medicine in stock, but could order it for tomorrow. "Can you call another Kroger?" I asked. After calling four other Krogers (another 20 minutes), we realized that there is none in stock in the entire city. The kids that Liam got the cough from have probably used it all up. So we left cough syrupless, and will wait until tomorrow to get it.
And then Grady pooped all over himself in his carseat.
And it isn't even noon yet.
And then Grady pooped all over himself in his carseat.
And it isn't even noon yet.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Tonight we packed up the fam and headed out to the home and garden show to gather ideas for our backyard overhaul this summer. We realized we were at the wrong expo center as we were walking up to the entrance...we had noticed a lot of cowboy hats and souped up pick-up trucks but failed to realize that we had actually shown up for a double feature of bull-riding and Hot Rod Mania. Needless to say, we were the only ones there in a Subaru station wagon. And the only ones (thankfully!) with a sleeping baby in an infant seat.
It would be even funnier if we had a) not paid $6 to park before we realized this and b) it wasn't too late at that point to really go to the home and garden show at the other location.
Oh well. Maybe next year.
It would be even funnier if we had a) not paid $6 to park before we realized this and b) it wasn't too late at that point to really go to the home and garden show at the other location.
Oh well. Maybe next year.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
First Day of School
Today was Liam's first day at "school", also known as Mom's Day Out at a local church. He did pretty well. He didn't want to pose for a first day of school picture because he was upset that I wouldn't let him eat the granola bar in his backpack that was reserved for snacktime at school. This picture captures his mood quite well:
You might be able to see some residual ink in the above picture from Liam's artwork on his face yesterday. When we went to the doctor for his 2 year checkup yesterday, she asked me if he could draw with crayons or markers, and I was like, do you see his face?
And here is Grady, my 16 pound, 9 ounce, 25 1/2 inch 10 week old. A future linebacker, perhaps.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Catching Up
We had a nice time celebrating Liam's 2nd birthday over the weekend. Here he is yesterday morning, blowing out the candle on his "blue and white" pancake, made by Daddy (blue and white = blueberries and white chocolate chips= go cats!):

And here he is attempting to cut his birthday cake (new favorite phrase...Me do it!!) with a little help from Mommy. Mark and I made him a football cake but forgot to take a good picture of it. You can kind of see it here:

And eating the cake...

And here he is attempting to cut his birthday cake (new favorite phrase...Me do it!!) with a little help from Mommy. Mark and I made him a football cake but forgot to take a good picture of it. You can kind of see it here:
And eating the cake...
Sports themed cookies handmade by Micajah (thank you!) can see Liam's little hand grabbing for the cookie as I took the picture.

I haven't posted anything from Christmas, so here are a few of Liam opening presents. The unfortunate side effect of Liam having a birthday so close to Christmas is that he thinks everyday will hold presents, cookies, and cake.
Here he is with his first Mr. Potato Head:

After figuring out how to take pictures with the camera, here is Liam's artistic debut:

And not to forget our darling Grady, who didn't get too in to Christmas this year, but is a joy and a blessing. He's such a good baby! And now he's smiling and cooing, mostly at Liam. It's precious. We go to the doctor today for 2 month and 2 year checkups, so I'll report how large Grady is in the next day or two.
I haven't posted anything from Christmas, so here are a few of Liam opening presents. The unfortunate side effect of Liam having a birthday so close to Christmas is that he thinks everyday will hold presents, cookies, and cake.
Here he is with his first Mr. Potato Head:
Opening a book from Mommy:
After figuring out how to take pictures with the camera, here is Liam's artistic debut:
And not to forget our darling Grady, who didn't get too in to Christmas this year, but is a joy and a blessing. He's such a good baby! And now he's smiling and cooing, mostly at Liam. It's precious. We go to the doctor today for 2 month and 2 year checkups, so I'll report how large Grady is in the next day or two.