Now that we are back on the homefront, Liam is a two year old in full force. As I'm writing this post, he keeps climbing out of bed and saying "It's 6 o'clock, not time for night night". Where he learned "6 o'clock" is a mystery to me. Plus, it's nine o'clock, so it isn't even a relevant observation. And he always looks at his wrist, like he's looking at a watch when he says it. Funny kid. He's also become pretty sassy, repeating what I say in a mocking voice when I discipline him. Today he was in time out and kept standing up, and I'd say, "Liam, sit down on your bottom", and then he'd say, "Liam, sit down on your bottom" and giggle. Again, I'm faced with the most difficult part of parenting thus far...not laughing at inopportune times. In case you wondered, he earned the time out by being overly affectionate with Grady for the thousandth time today. He has a habit of laying directly on top of him, and I fear that he will squash him.
Unlikely, since my little Grady is 21 pounds. I had to buy a new carseat for him today because he's about to outgrow his infant carrier. He tried bananas mixed with his cereal tonight and loved it. He cried when it was gone, like "Mom, what do you mean there isn't any more?". Until now, Grady has been a peaceful, quiet baby. And he's still pretty chill, but he's learning that if he cries, he'll get what he wants. You do the math.
All in all, good times. These boys are keeping me on my toes. Up trials and tribulations with motherhood and wifedom as I try to tackle my latest project...One Year to an Organized Life. Wish me luck.
I'm pretty sure that Liam took this with Allison's camera.

At Jazzfest in Pensacola.