The firetower was absolutely covered in lady bugs. Here is Liam trying to pick one up like a Cheerio.
Liam and I on the middle platform of the tower. We didn't make it all the way up because I was scared. From the look on his face, Liam's inherited Mommy and Daddy's fear of heights (Mark is even worse than me!).
Posing for a photo session with Aunt Jami...
The cabin comes complete with transportation...scooters! For any of you out there that loves the show "Scrubs" like Mark and I, the scooters gave me many giggles.
Out to breakfast...wherever we went this weekend, Liam charmed the room. This breakfast spot was no different.
All and all, a great visit. Now back to work on my thesis!
Trouble is...sometimes it leaves a ring around his nose and cheeks.
He's also becoming quite the chatterbox, as evidenced below. I'm not sure where he gets that from...
Liam is a thumb-sucker. At this stage, it's not a worry for us, just another thing that makes us think he's super cute.
More evidence to support the super-cute claim.
Finished (that there is the Mississippi River in Bellevue, IA)!
Support Crew does breakfast at Perkins in Dubuque.
Emily takes an unintentional abstract photo of herself and Liam
These are for you, Allison...
Camping outside of Dyersville, IA (where Field of Dreams was filmed)
We had a nice day with both grandpas and Daddy on Sunday. Liam got a kick out of wearing Grandpa Kim's hat.