Yesterday, Mark and Liam spent the morning with our good friends Ben and Erin, who are newly married and about to embark on an awesome adventure. Erin (a lawyer...they both are...but the good kind) has taken a position as the clerk to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Palau. Palau? You ask. Where is Palau? I thought the same thing. Learn more about it
here (disclaimer: as an academic and the wife of a teacher, I don't usually endorse Wikipedia as a reliable reference, but for this...perfect). It has been helpful having friends move to exotic locales, because it has improved my geography. An interesting fact about my American education--I am about to get my Master's degree, and I have NEVER EVER been
required to take a geography class. Isn't that crazy? When my friends Mary and Joey moved to Singapore two years ago, I learned how awful my knowledge of Asian geography was, so I boned up a bit. Then Ben and Erin had to go and move to Micronesia...I had to learn Asian geography all over again!
Anyway, Ben took some awesome pictures of Liam and I wanted to share them. We'll miss you, Ben and Erin! Best wishes and happy trails.
Liam gets a snuggle with Erin.

Liam is learning to drink water out of a cup.

Trouble is...sometimes it leaves a ring around his nose and cheeks.

He's also becoming quite the chatterbox, as evidenced below. I'm not sure where he gets that from...

Liam is a thumb-sucker. At this stage, it's not a worry for us, just another thing that makes us think he's super cute.

More evidence to support the super-cute claim.

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