Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Busy Boy

Our dancecards have been full the last two weeks as we traveled to Columbus and Louisville for Easter celebrations. Last week, my dad came over to watch Liam for a couple hours while Mark and I cleaned the house! Liam is going through a stage where he doesn't like to be put down, particularly when Mommy is home. He and Grandpa had a good time chatting out on the porch and then taking a nap.

Mark and Liam spent the week together last week during Mark's Spring Break. It was certainly an adventure for Daddy, who realized that it is next to impossible to get a thing done during the day when you are solely responsible for an infant. They had a great time and Mark is even more smitten with the little guy than before.
My camera is acting goofy and doesn't want to upload photos. I'll post some Easter ones next time.

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