Monday, June 30, 2008

Liam and his buddies

In his short time on this planet, Liam has managed to make quite a few buddies. Some are inherited from Mark and I, but others he's made on his own. Here is a short homage to a few of them. Disclaimer: taking a picture of two toddlers that has both of them looking at the camera is next to you take what you can get!

Here is Liam with Pablo on our last trip to Chicago...

And Liam with buddy Henry on our wilderness adventure near Natural Bridge State Park...

And Liam with his gal pal Caron (he picked her out all on his own at swimming lessons) at the awesome splash park downtown...

And with his favorite buddy of all, Daddy, at the St. Raphael Church picnic.

What I love so far about summertime in Louisville? All the catholic church picnics! Bingo, beer (well, no beer for me this summer), homemade chicken dinners...I'm in festival heaven! I've already had to swear off funnel cake for the season after getting sick one too many times. Good times.


Pete R Njenga said...

These are beautiful kids. The pics too are quite good.
All I can say is, may the Almighty bless your kids!

JVinlove said...

Hi Lizzie and Family - Great pics. Liam is growing so fast! He looks so much bigger and more like a little boy than the last time I saw him. I'm thinking of you every day as I venture through my intense yoga training. I'm living my yamas and niyamas one step at a time. Ready to open a studio with a kids yoga program? Home cooked chicken and beer filled bingo picnics sound fabulous! Tara