Sunday, August 02, 2009


I'm attempting to blog more (not that it takes a lot to blog more than I have been) in August. I don't want to make an everyday promise, but I plan to put forth a concerted effort.

Liam got a haircut a few weeks ago, his second. He never really had much hair until he turned two, and then it just sprouted. It was curly and unruly and oh-so-cute, but I didn't want him to turn into Kate Hudson's son, so I caved and got it cut. We went to one of those kid's cut places so he could sit in a car and watch Mickey Mouse while getting the haircut. 5 minutes and $15 dollars later, we were out the door, balloon and sucker in hand. Next time I'll spend $15 on a pair of shears and do the cut myself. I watched her very closely so that I don't have to fork out that kind of cash again.
Liam's curls before...
And the big boy afterward. It made me cry...he suddenly looked old enough to go to college.

We think Grady is going to have hair a little earlier than Liam. Here's a newish photo taken by none other than big bro, Liam.

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