Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Grady's got the croup, which isn't so bad, though it was scary last night when he woke me up with a barking noise and a wheezy sound in his chest. I had just commented on how he was the only child in our little group of friends who hadn't been sick in the last couple of weeks...and I even knocked on wood. Clearly I didn't knock hard enough.

After a trip to the doc this morning I'm reassured that he is going to be okay. Sick kids make my heart ache, and I know that I am more than lucky that my kids are just dealing with ear infections, croup, strep throat, etc. The moms out there (my cousin Val among them) who are dealing with much more serious issues are on my mind every time I wipe my boys' noses.

On a brighter note, Liam has developed a new affinity for eyewear. Whether it be his Spiderman sunglasses or the stylish Bob the Builder safety goggles, his eyes are protected at most every hour of the day. He especially likes to wear the sunglasses on extra cloudy days, commenting, "Boy, it sure is sunny today, Mom! Glad I have my Spiderman sunglasses!".

I'm glad you have your sunglasses, too, bud. I wouldn't smile as much if you didn't.

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