Monday, April 13, 2009

New photos

Here are some recent pictures of the boys taken while we were in Florida visiting my dad in Pensacola, then my mom and grandparents in Naples. 4 twelve hour legs...and I'm pleased to say it went pretty well. Leg 4 home from Pensacola was a bit rough because we forgot the portable DVD player, which has been the saving grace for Liam. He does okay for a couple hours without it, but then he needs something to focus his attention upon. It's almost scary how it mesmerizes him, his eyes wide and not listening to a word anyone says. But it's a necessary evil.

Now that we are back on the homefront, Liam is a two year old in full force. As I'm writing this post, he keeps climbing out of bed and saying "It's 6 o'clock, not time for night night". Where he learned "6 o'clock" is a mystery to me. Plus, it's nine o'clock, so it isn't even a relevant observation. And he always looks at his wrist, like he's looking at a watch when he says it. Funny kid. He's also become pretty sassy, repeating what I say in a mocking voice when I discipline him. Today he was in time out and kept standing up, and I'd say, "Liam, sit down on your bottom", and then he'd say, "Liam, sit down on your bottom" and giggle. Again, I'm faced with the most difficult part of parenting thus far...not laughing at inopportune times. In case you wondered, he earned the time out by being overly affectionate with Grady for the thousandth time today. He has a habit of laying directly on top of him, and I fear that he will squash him.

Unlikely, since my little Grady is 21 pounds. I had to buy a new carseat for him today because he's about to outgrow his infant carrier. He tried bananas mixed with his cereal tonight and loved it. He cried when it was gone, like "Mom, what do you mean there isn't any more?". Until now, Grady has been a peaceful, quiet baby. And he's still pretty chill, but he's learning that if he cries, he'll get what he wants. You do the math.

All in all, good times. These boys are keeping me on my toes. Up trials and tribulations with motherhood and wifedom as I try to tackle my latest project...One Year to an Organized Life. Wish me luck.

I'm pretty sure that Liam took this with Allison's camera.

At Jazzfest in Pensacola.
In Naples at Nana and Bob's.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ooh that makes me mad!

Back from 11 day trek through Florida. I have pictures that I will eventually upload and hopefully share with you, my loyal blog followers, but not today.

I met Maggie and Jessica and their kids at the mall today for the "trifecta"...the boat/playground, train table at Von Maur, and toys at Pottery Barn Kids. It's rainy and cool here today, not to mention that it's Good Friday, so most of the catholic schools are out today. Thus, busy mall. We went to Panera for lunch, and I'm sure we deserved some of the looks we got. But all in all, the toddlers were well behaved, and the babies didn't even cry. When we were leaving, we passed a group of women, one of whom was pregnant, for goodness sakes, and I overheard them say, "people with that many children shouldn't take them out". We each have TWO children, not 4 or 5. And even if we did, does that mean we should stay at home all day long? It really ticked me off. Other than retired people, who else really goes to the mall on weekday mornings besides moms and babies? We probably keep the mall open with our patronage.

Clearly, the group of women with flappy gums don't have children. I'd bet what's left of my 401(k) that the pregnant one is having her first. Because most of us moms stick together, even those with older kids, because they remember what it was like to have a bunch of rowdy toddlers or have nightmares about trying to pry open the door to the mall and fit a double stroller through at the same time, all the while fishing in the bottom of the diaper bag for a sippy cup of juice and a kleenex to wipe the baby's nose.

I'm sure the pregnant woman will understand one day. And maybe she'll even remember us and feel bad. I hope so.