Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Back to Work

I started back to work last week, which means that I have even less time to blog...but we have still found the time to take some cute pictures of our little man. I tried to really savor our last few days home alone together and took lots of photos to remember it by. Today Mark stayed home with Liam all day for the first time...needless to say, his jokes about me eating bonbons all day have ceased!

Liam is now holding his head up pretty well and loves his Bumbo chair. Every time he sits in it we praise him for being a "big boy" and he grins and grins (again, hard to capture on film). Those of you with little ones that don't have the Bumbo, I highly recommend it.

Hangin' with Daddy in bed...

Liam is starting to find his hands, but he's also mastering his tongue. He mimmicks Mark when Mark sticks his tongue out at him. Super cute.

Liam is fascinated by lights, and he loves the singing lights on his Baby Einstein activity gym. Thanks to Uncle Doug and Aunt Katie!

We are eagerly awaiting summer and the opening of our local pool, because Liam loves the water! We've taken to giving him baths with one of us in the tub because he loves to be submerged and kick around. I think we may have a future Olympic swimmer on our hands! (or at least a swim team member :))


Julie P. said...

what a BIG BOY! glad you got the bumbo chair. i'm sure liam will get a lot of use out of it (before he learns how to squirm out of it then falls on his face on the floor like pablo does!)

good luck at work!

JVinlove said...

Very cute! He's so big. Liam has surpassed Brady in the bath department. Maybe when he's here this summer, he can show her how it's done! I know what you mean about trying to get a good picture of them smiling. Just wait, pretty soon he'll have permagrin.