Friday, August 03, 2007

Stale Blog

Disclaimer: This is a blog without photos, though I will provide links to photos on other sites/blogs. Liam lovers, you can get your fix that way.

We have been busy the last three weeks, first out of town on vacation, then recovery from vacation this week. Why is it that taking a vacation almost requires another vacation when you get home to get yourself back on track? Nonetheless, we had a great time on our two-week family adventure, hitting Ohio, Illinios, and Iowa (and driving through Indiana twice) for the Bryan family reunion, time with my gals in Chicago, and then to Iowa City. We then set off on a driving/biking tour of the state of Iowa as Mark participated in RAGBRAI, an annual bike trek across Iowa. See Josh and Tara's blog for more information on the boys and their RAGBRAI adventure.

Liam and I spent most of week two of our vacation in Cedar Falls with Emily and her brood, hanging out and driving around Iowa in the Sprinter with a U-Haul trailer. Good times. Julie also came to visit Cedar Falls mid-week, so we got to see her twice in the span of two weeks! (Liam lovers, here's where you'll hit the photo motherload :))

All in all, great fun. I'll try to post some new photos soon, but we are moving two weeks from today, so don't hold your breath. I haven't even started packing yet.

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