Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A little creepy

So the Kentucky State Fair begins this week and this flyer was in the paper over the weekend. When I first saw it, I thought, "gee, she kind of looks familiar", and then I realized that it is like a caricaturized, (not a real word, I realize) childlike version of me. It kind of creeps me out.

Here's a close up, which is even creepier. I held the flyer up next to my face to show Mark the resemblence, and Liam was so confused. You could see his eyes go back and forth and he exclaimed, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy?".

If I'm going to be the spokeswoman for the Kentucky Fair, fine by me. But I'd like to be aware so I could get a higher quality photo for my caricature modeling portfolio.


Julie P. said...

hahahah, LOVE IT!! you should compare it to a photo of you as a 10 year old

JVinlove said...

uyIt's like you're meant to be in Kentucky. That's hilarous and yes, a little creepy. So, are you going to the fair??