Monday, August 03, 2009

I am a lactating jungle gym

Some days in the land of stay-at-home-momdom are rougher than others. It seems like I'm having a lot of rough ones lately...Liam has decided that napping is not for him, both kids are cutting teeth/molars, allergies are rampant because of the mass amounts of rain we've gotten, etcetera, etcetera. I feel like I always have at least one kid hanging off me, while the other one is whining about something they need and/or want.

I'm not intending to ignite a "Mommy Wars" battle here, but there are days when I really just wish I could go to work. At least I could eat lunch in peace. Not that I'm ungrateful, because I feel very blessed and lucky that I get to stay home and spend this time with my kids. I realize that it goes by fast and that I'll never be able to get it back. But there are days when a shower without anyone in the bathroom would be freaking amazing.

Of course, when I'm about to explode, there are moments like these...driving in the car, Liam gets ahold of my Nalgene, opens it up and is pretending that it's Winnie the Pooh's honey pot, sticking his hand all the way in and flinging water all over himself, Grady, and his window. Just when I'm about to give up, he says, "Mommy, I really love you".

Maybe it's not so bad that I haven't bathed today.

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