Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Today we visited our favorite family fun place, Huber Orchard. Instead of picking apples, strawberries, and other fruits, we picked pumpkins. Sara, Craig, and Connor joined us, and we had a grand ol' time on the farm.

It got cold here last night, so Liam had a chance to wear some of his cool weather gear.

Mark and Liam on the tractor out to the pumpkin patch...

Tough guy picks his pumpkin...

The Kinslows...

Connor and Liam try to pose for a photo...

And enjoy eating ice cream once we finished picking out pumpkins.

And still no baby!


JVinlove said...

So cute!! Looks like pumpkin patches are great family good times in all parts of the country. Happy Fall!! Where's baby? Thinking of you!

Katie and Luca said...

Where's Lilo's bro? Luca keeps asking me when we can have cake to celebrate Liam's brother's birthday.
It's always about the cake!