Thursday, October 23, 2008

Things I'm doing to try to forget that I'm past due

I have been playing mind games with myself, starting projects that I figure I can't finish if I go into labor, hoping that it will be the case! But it's not working.

On Monday, I decided that I should make hummus, so I soaked beans overnight to prepare on Tuesday. We've now been eating hummus all week. Same with pumpkin seeds, which I also left to dry out on Monday evening.

Yesterday, I decided to organize Liam's closet. I pulled out all of his crap and had it laying around all over his room, assuming that my water would break and I'd have this huge mess to come home to with a newborn. His closet now looks like it belongs in "Real Simple".

Today I'll finally unpack Liam's old baby swing and bouncy seat and begin to assemble for new baby, which I'm sure will jinx me for another few days.

The most frustrating part of all of this? Every time I start one of these projects and get moving, I start having contractions. And then once I'm finished...they stop!

On the bright side, I have been getting a lot of things done, and Liam and I have gotten to hang out a bunch...and the baby is still moving around and seems to just be perfectly comfortable staying inside. It has gotten a little colder here this week! I'm sure he'll come when he's ready. Babies have a way of doing that.

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