Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Neglected Blog

Some of you may have heard about the ice storm here in Louisville a couple weeks ago. Fortunately, we had electricity the entire time, but I was without internet for a couple weeks, thus no blog updates. Here are some pics of the storm (which looks benign to you Chicago folks, I know). Keep in mind there was a layer of ice 3 inches thick underneath all of that snow:

Liam's buddy Will and his family crashed with us for a night during the storm. They were without power for almost a week! But the boys had fun together until Will's grandma's house became warm again. Sometimes when we're out, people ask Jessica (Will's mom) or I if these boys are twins. Here they are watching Elmo:

Liam is still loving "my baby", as he calls Grady. He's so funny and is talking more every day. He is enjoying school and talks about the lunch I pack for him all the time: "turkey manich, nola bar, apples, sometimes juice"

Grady has found his thumb, and it makes him an even more pleasant baby, if that is even possible! He is a darling child and I'm really enjoying getting to know his personality.

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