Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Move over Mark!

Naturally, my verbose husband has enjoyed the blogging platform, but I fear that he is going to try and take over my blog. He's got a bunch of ideas for new posts, so I doubt that we have heard the last from him! But today it's me again.

Mark went back to work yesterday, leaving me alone for the first time with two kids. It wasn't as bad as I thought...though this morning, PBS was out and I didn't know what to do with Liam while I nursed Grady. If I don't keep Liam occupied, he crawls all over me and the baby, trying to give Grady kisses and tickle him. It's really cute...he grabs his feet and goes, "tickle, tickle". But he can be kind of rough, so I can't leave him alone with Grady for more than 5 seconds. He loves to hold and love him, though, as evidenced here:

Doesn't Grady look enthused by Liam's kisses?

Here Grady meets his godfather, Scott, an old friend and now colleague of Mark's:

Doesn't he look like he's a brut? We think we should nickname him "Biff"...although we like "G Bob" as well.

Not to forget Liam, who had a great time on Halloween. Our court is AWESOME for little kids. We didn't even have to leave the street. And I got to take him to a few houses, which was fun for both of us. He loved to knock and say "twick tweet", and then "thank you", of course. Here he is with Grandpere:

Thanks for all of your messages of love and good wishes. We appreciate having all of our friends and family in our lives!


Unknown said...

so cute!!! btw- you need to change your blog title now- not just life with liam anymore! he is a biff. micajah has been calling the newest amick g-rob. i can't wait to see you all to all! sarah v.

Katie and Luca said...

Grady is so big and healthy and plump and beautiful! No battle wounds? That's quite amazing! Lizzie...I'll be calling you soon when things settle in a bit. Know that we love you!
KT and LJ

Cate Beekman said...

nice title, liz. nice baby, too! I congratulations! l

JVinlove said...

Good to have you back, Liz, though I like Mark's posts too! Maybe all the daddies should start their own blogs so they can have a voice :) Grady and Liam are just precious! How's the sleeping going? Love you all and thinking of you all the time.

Julie P. said...

oh my god is he ADORABLE!!! i wish i could give him a big squeeze!

emily said...

LIZ! I am LOVING LOVING LOVING Grady's matching blonde hair and those ruby red lips. What a sweet foursome you guys make!! I am so excited and happy for you and your fam. Best of all wishes, my love.