Monday, September 08, 2008

Yoga weekend

This weekend was my last for yoga teacher training, although in my largely pregnant state, I really only participated in the pot luck on Sunday. But it was still great to see all my fellow trainees and spend time with them. Yoga teacher training has been a great experience and I look forward to actually teaching yoga one day when I get some time! Thanks to all who helped to make this dream come true for me.
Here are some photos of my fellow teacher trainees and our teacher, Shelli. Clockwise from me (1 o'clockish): Me, Chance, Raj, Nancy, Sarah, Anne, Skylar, Shelli, Pam, and Julie.

Thanks to all my fellow trainees for an amazing, life changing experience! Namaste.


Sarah said...

We didn't know what we were in for! Can you imagine not having done it? No three hour long yoga sessions, no posture worksheets at breakfast or over a glass of wine, no reading, no awesome new friends, no new analysis on how we live, no nervous beginnings of new classes standing up there horrified, no opportunities to "yoga like a champion", no chopping part of your thumb off trying to learn how to cook vegan food. I appreciate every moment of it. Thanks Liz.

JVinlove said...

Congratulations, Lizzie!! I'm so proud of you for sticking with it during pregnancy. I can't imagine. Hopefully all of the asana, pranayama, and anatomy lessons will help towards one quick and pain "free" (dare I say it) delivery..aka a "Julie birth" heehee. I can't wait to practice with you and share in person what we learned from teacher training. Love and light to you and your family, tara
disclaimer: Julie, I know you're births weren't pain free! Mother nature must make some more painful than others or else we'd all have 15 kids.